Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A nice long weekend

This past weekend was my last long weekend before D-Day and I tried to make the most of it.  I should have rested I suppose, but I'm not too good at that.  Dear friends came into town on Saturday and I started making dinner on Friday.  It was a Martha Stewart Easter lunch consisting of Bourbon glazed ham, scalloped potatoes with leeks, a three pea salad, and to top it off, a coconut key lime pie.  Good food, good people, and good conversation make for an excellent weekend!

I was able to craft just a bit on Sunday and Monday, mostly working on the wall quilt.  Bit by bit, I should get it finished in the next week.  I'm also working on a few items for a craft show this weekend at Jackalope Jack's.  I've got some origami bags that I printed (but never quite finished) for Crafty Feast and maybe a few coasters might get made.  I'm obsessing on the quilt though, so we'll see what I get done.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Craft shows, more crafts, and the bassinet

This weekend at Crafty Feast was a great success!  The weather was a little fickle (well, really fickle at times) but I was able to hang out with my best friends all day and sell a lot of stuff.  There were some great vendors like the Owlette Collective, Sara Lee Parker, and Sixteen Acre Woods along with some Crown Town members such as Verabelle, Jessica's Jacket, and Not Made in China.  There were some well deserved beers at the end of it all too.  Not for me though.

I was able to clean up the craft room a bit, a task well over due, and of course, start a new project.  Exactly what I need, right?  Oh, well.  I can't just sit there you know.  I have some things for Frank's room that I've been itching to make and now is as good a time a any.  The first thing I've started on is a quilt that will go on the wall. 

It's a zig zag quilt and it's a style that I've been wanting to make for a while. It's mostly solids like most of the quilts I like to do, but it has some polka dot fabric in there as well.  It's mostly navy with pops of primary colors, much like his room.  This way, everything and anything will at least match the quilt.  I started piecing it a few weeks ago and revisited it last night.  I think I may get it done this weekend. 

One other reason that I had a need to clean was to make some more room for a napping place which is the Orr bassinet.  It's a bassinet that Mike and his brother used, his cousins, and his cousins children used until now.  I have it in the corner for now and yeah, that's right, I'm putting baby in the corner, nestled by my notions.  I'm sure this will all change soon enough.  I realize that I may be able to pass a soda can through the slats, but we'll deal with it.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Matter of indecision, or decision. I can't decide

I've been sewing away since All Arts Market in the beginning of March trying to get a ton of inventory done for Crafty Feast this weekend.  I've been planning on going for the past 3 months.  It's also my last big shebang before the kid gets here and I'm out of commission for a while.  I saw that it might rain earlier in the week, but blew it off since it was Monday when I got the news.  They were still calling for it yesterday and I got a couple of emails from the promoter about what was going on.

I waivered back and forth for a while and made some phone calls to find out other opinions and decided last night not to go.  Today is another day and I've changed my mind once again.  It's on like donkey kong.  I'll probably get soaked, but I'll be with my besties and we'll enjoy the day the best we can.  It may be a while before I have the opportunity to hang out with them like this again!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Having a full dance card

I'm not used to having a full dance card.  It's not that I sit on the couch and eat bon bons all day, I just usually don't have my calendar so full.  I'm also prepping for a show in Columbia next week and have been for the past two weeks.  I'm a lot slower at making things now since my body needs a rest after work and wants me in bed by 10pm.  That typically leaves me about 2 hours of sewing for the night.  I just made a list of what needs to be done and I think I may need to skip a nap or two.  I'm of the mind set at this point to just do what I can and let the rest be.  I think this is good training for the immediate future.