Last spring, I tried planting lettuce for the first time. I immediately fell in love with the ability to walk outside and make myself a salad for lunch, which I did until the plants went to seed and the heat began to kill them off. While I wanted to have more this year and sow it a regular intervals, time and other projects interfered with my plans. I was able to plant seeds a few weeks ago (most likely after a nap and between sewing projects) and am now happy that my salad days are back again. I've got some Black Simpson, Romaine, Mesclun and a couple other varieties that I can't remember right now. I also planted some spinach, kale, beets, and radishes which are not doing well at all. I was a little late in planting them, so I hedged my bets.

I typically cut what I need from these young, loose leaf lettuces and even the ones that are supposed to be head lettuces. They give off a wonderful peppery smell that I've never smelled from a store bought bag and the smell tends to make them into the best salads ever. I like mine with feta (pasteurized of course), dried cranberries, pistachios, and diced gala apple.
I'm sharing this year and hope that I'm able to give away enough to convert people to always plant these easy, peasy plants.