I just found out that my gift is coming from Hong Kong which has me almost giddy as to what it could be. I also received a message from my Secret Santa that said: [WARNING]: Do not consume any items you are not familiar with. Does this mean I'm getting pickled sea cucumber, a 1000 year old egg or bird's nest soup? I can't wait to find out!!!! I haven't been this excited about Christmas in a very long time!!!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Not so secret Santa
I just found out that my gift is coming from Hong Kong which has me almost giddy as to what it could be. I also received a message from my Secret Santa that said: [WARNING]: Do not consume any items you are not familiar with. Does this mean I'm getting pickled sea cucumber, a 1000 year old egg or bird's nest soup? I can't wait to find out!!!! I haven't been this excited about Christmas in a very long time!!!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Free time?
Last night the bear and Frank disappeared for about 2.5 hours and I was free to get some tasks crossed off of my list. I finished some more motorcycle napkins, or actually fixed the debacle that I created on Monday. I overprinted a set and a half while hurriedly trying to get them done which means that the prints were basically smeared and overlapping. I was quick to get them to the sink and wash them off before too much of the paint had set and then threw them in the wash to see if I could save them. I'm used to getting at least one bad print every few sets, but this was the biggest batch that I had ruined in a very long while. They came out of the wash just fine and the reprints looked good!
Since I had all of my printing supplies out, I also decided to print out some more packaging since I was about to run out. I print all of my wraps on used paper bags that I get from the grocery store when I forget my totes. It's a great way for me to recycle them and they're just the length I need. Here's what the process looks like:

Everything ran smoothly and I was able to crank out about 120 labels which should keep me going for a long while. Tonight, I'll cut them out using a rotary cutter and a ruler and they will be ready to wrap all of my new goods I'll be taking with me to the Handmade Market this weekend.
I was also able to vacuum all of the rooms in the house, wash dishes, fold a load of clothes, change the sheets on my bed and the crib, pick up everything in the living room, put the mountain of clothes on my dresser away, take out the recycling, and sit down and wait for their return. I don't remember ever being so productive pre-Frank.
Since I had all of my printing supplies out, I also decided to print out some more packaging since I was about to run out. I print all of my wraps on used paper bags that I get from the grocery store when I forget my totes. It's a great way for me to recycle them and they're just the length I need. Here's what the process looks like:

Everything ran smoothly and I was able to crank out about 120 labels which should keep me going for a long while. Tonight, I'll cut them out using a rotary cutter and a ruler and they will be ready to wrap all of my new goods I'll be taking with me to the Handmade Market this weekend.
I was also able to vacuum all of the rooms in the house, wash dishes, fold a load of clothes, change the sheets on my bed and the crib, pick up everything in the living room, put the mountain of clothes on my dresser away, take out the recycling, and sit down and wait for their return. I don't remember ever being so productive pre-Frank.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Another work in progress
I've been prepping for the Handmade Market in Raleigh on the 12th for the past few weeks and am slowly amassing items and even a new print. While shuffling some things around on my work table, I came across this piece that's been patiently waiting to be next in line at the machine. It's a growth chart that was featured on The Student/Teacher back in May and I thought it was such a great idea that Frank needed one. It's been a great project to use bits and pieces from my stash and trying to get a neato rainbow effect and another way to work a bit of quilting in without having to commit to a large size. I'm hoping to get it finished soon after the last show I do on the 19th. There's a perfect place for it in Frank's room and I can't wait to hang it up.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Quilting inspiration
I really love to quilt. There's something about seeing colors and patterns to come together to make a larger, even more appealing image. There are so many takes on one simple pattern, just by the way you turn it or by choosing solid colors or bold patterns. One simple change can make an incredible twist.
The images are a little spotty, but you can get what I'm sayin'. The devil's in the details at times and other times, you just have to take a few steps back to see what's really going on.
That being said, I came across Luke Haynes today. He's an art quilter and makes some phenomenal quilts. I hope someday soon I'll embark on some more art quilts. His work is so inspiring!
The images are a little spotty, but you can get what I'm sayin'. The devil's in the details at times and other times, you just have to take a few steps back to see what's really going on.

Monday, August 15, 2011
Back to beginnings
Many moons ago when I began the idea of a profitable crafty adventure, I used to make purses and knitting bags. I like how quickly they sew up, they don't use too much fabric, and design strategies are seemingly infinite. Unfortunately, tons of other people have the same idea and when I looked around, I saw that there were almost as many bag designers as jewelry makers. I'm pretty good at the bags I make, but can't compete with some of the wonderful stuff that's out there, so I moved into far less chartered territories. Every now and then, I return to purse making because of a request or just a great idea. This time, I did it for my sister's birthday. When she came to visit in July, we went to Ruby's Gift, a little store in NoDa that sells local, handmade goods. She spotted a writstlet but the design of it was a little flawed so it went back on the shelf. Good for me, 'cause that meant that I could make her something for her birthday that she really wanted without having to dig around and ask her.
The wristlet is made out of vintage linen that's been patiently waiting for me to use in some special project. The button was made by my dad but it's only decorative. I used a snap underneath to ease the flap opening and used velcro instead of a zipper for the body. The purse is lined with fabric from a curtain. It's my first attempt at a wristlet and without using a pattern. I'm very pleased with the way it turned out and hope that she likes it.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Frank's new sling
I've been smitten with my moby wrap except for a couple of things: 1) it's not quick to put on and when the kid's crying, anything that takes more than 15 seconds feels like eternity and 2) I've only got one of them which creates a problem when it's in the wash and the kid starts crying. I use my wrap as a soother, as a way to get things done around the house, and as a carrier instead of the carseat. I've been looking for a new baby wearing piece of equipment for a couple of weeks and I'm too cheap to afford even what's on ebay, so I decided to sew one after finding a pattern from the makers of the Maya Wrap. I found SlingRings through a recommendation from the thebabywearer.com and ordered a couple of pairs.
I made the first one last night around 1am - the only time it seems I'm able to sew - and was able to stitch it up pretty quickly. I was done by 2am. All it called for was a couple of cuts, a bit of hemming and double stitching the ends 'round the rings. We tested it out today and so far, I like it a lot. We still need to practice some with it, but I really like the ease and quickness of putting it on and him in it. I've got some more fabric coming tomorrow for another one, so hopefully we'll continue to get better using it. At least when I'm done with it, I can recycle the fabric into something else.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Frank's floor quilt
I started making this in the last couple of weeks that I was pregnant and basically was racing against the clock. I finished it all but the binding before my water broke and Frank was born and it's taken me 4 weeks to muster up the time and energy to sew the binding (which is actually the backing). The quilt is made of solid quilter's cotton and I've used vintage fabric for the backing. I miscalculated the size a bit and so it's a little bit smaller that what I wanted, but useful nonetheless.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
One more sewing project down
I refuse to pay $50 for a diaper bag. I don't care how insulated it is. I managed to get mine 2nd hand from gAndy when I just asked him where he got his bag from. Apparently, he took it as a sign that I needed his and he gladly handed it over to me. 
It's a simple canvas bag with a shoulder strap and 2 handles. It's always been a nice murse and I wanted something that wouldn't embarrass the bear when he had to use it. The only problem is that it was so deep and there was only one pocket.
I ended up making an insert for it out of fabric that I've been saving for something special. I think this is special enough. It's basically a fabric box with 4 pockets on the side - nothing too elaborate, but simple enough to make it work. It's lined on the inside and I've added some loops so that it's easy to get in and out. Kind of like the ones they advertise on tv for 19.99.

It's a simple canvas bag with a shoulder strap and 2 handles. It's always been a nice murse and I wanted something that wouldn't embarrass the bear when he had to use it. The only problem is that it was so deep and there was only one pocket.
I ended up making an insert for it out of fabric that I've been saving for something special. I think this is special enough. It's basically a fabric box with 4 pockets on the side - nothing too elaborate, but simple enough to make it work. It's lined on the inside and I've added some loops so that it's easy to get in and out. Kind of like the ones they advertise on tv for 19.99.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Kinetic mobile
Here's the mobile that I finished last weekend. It turned out really well and I'd really like to do more of these in the future.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Zoom zoom
I've been scavenging thrift stores and ebay for art work for Frank's room for what seems forever now. Since my style is eclectic, you'd think I'd be able to find something by now. I actually have found lots of items that I've liked, but most have been out of my price range. I did find some inspiration however while browsing prints on Etsy in N. Eve Dobson's store. She has some wonderful prints featuring cars, motorcycles, helicopters, and many in her transportation series. My favorite was the Chevy Camaro and so I went with a 70s muscle car theme. I chose a Camaro, Torino, Mustang Fastback and a Chevelle. I had originally thought to silk screen them, but since I wasn't going to make multiples, I decided just to cut them out of paper. I got the images online, tweaked them a bit in photoshop and then printed them out. I traced the outlines and major parts that I wanted to accentuate and then grabbed a brand new x-acto blade and cut the images out of fancy scrapbooking paper. I painted some 10 x 10 canvases with some primary colors, cut out some stars and then Modge Podged it all down. They're not as nice as Dobson's, but you get what you pay for.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Frank's first quilt
Woo hoo! I was able to finish Frank's first quilt yesterday! Now all I need to do is hang it up on the wall. I used the pattern from Crazy Mom quilts post on Bee Square blog. Her pattern eliminates triangle piecing, which allowed me to enjoy the process more instead of flipping out that my triangles weren't perfect. It was fairly easy to do, even though it proved to be a challenge trying to piece it after my bed time.
He'll get a floor quilt soon enough. I think.
Next on the agenda: a hat, some art work, and a mobile.
He'll get a floor quilt soon enough. I think.
Next on the agenda: a hat, some art work, and a mobile.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Salad days are here again
Last spring, I tried planting lettuce for the first time. I immediately fell in love with the ability to walk outside and make myself a salad for lunch, which I did until the plants went to seed and the heat began to kill them off. While I wanted to have more this year and sow it a regular intervals, time and other projects interfered with my plans. I was able to plant seeds a few weeks ago (most likely after a nap and between sewing projects) and am now happy that my salad days are back again. I've got some Black Simpson, Romaine, Mesclun and a couple other varieties that I can't remember right now. I also planted some spinach, kale, beets, and radishes which are not doing well at all. I was a little late in planting them, so I hedged my bets.
I typically cut what I need from these young, loose leaf lettuces and even the ones that are supposed to be head lettuces. They give off a wonderful peppery smell that I've never smelled from a store bought bag and the smell tends to make them into the best salads ever. I like mine with feta (pasteurized of course), dried cranberries, pistachios, and diced gala apple.
I'm sharing this year and hope that I'm able to give away enough to convert people to always plant these easy, peasy plants.
I typically cut what I need from these young, loose leaf lettuces and even the ones that are supposed to be head lettuces. They give off a wonderful peppery smell that I've never smelled from a store bought bag and the smell tends to make them into the best salads ever. I like mine with feta (pasteurized of course), dried cranberries, pistachios, and diced gala apple.
I'm sharing this year and hope that I'm able to give away enough to convert people to always plant these easy, peasy plants.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Confit in a row
I've been searching for recipes to store away for directly after D-Day. This search isn't going too well considering the fact that it seems that only soups and casseroles fall under the freezable category and those choices don't sit too well for me since it will be the beginning summer. My biggest plan so far is to cook a few whole chickens and shred them for enchiladas, burritos, and chicken salad. I may make and shred a pork shoulder, just to spice it up a bit. Any ideas would be much appreciated. I'm actually looking forward to turkey sandwiches again, so that may help ease the burden. I did stumble across Prince William's groom's cake and recipe pictured here:

It looks like it's freezable.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
A nice long weekend
This past weekend was my last long weekend before D-Day and I tried to make the most of it. I should have rested I suppose, but I'm not too good at that. Dear friends came into town on Saturday and I started making dinner on Friday. It was a Martha Stewart Easter lunch consisting of Bourbon glazed ham, scalloped potatoes with leeks, a three pea salad, and to top it off, a coconut key lime pie. Good food, good people, and good conversation make for an excellent weekend!
I was able to craft just a bit on Sunday and Monday, mostly working on the wall quilt. Bit by bit, I should get it finished in the next week. I'm also working on a few items for a craft show this weekend at Jackalope Jack's. I've got some origami bags that I printed (but never quite finished) for Crafty Feast and maybe a few coasters might get made. I'm obsessing on the quilt though, so we'll see what I get done.
I was able to craft just a bit on Sunday and Monday, mostly working on the wall quilt. Bit by bit, I should get it finished in the next week. I'm also working on a few items for a craft show this weekend at Jackalope Jack's. I've got some origami bags that I printed (but never quite finished) for Crafty Feast and maybe a few coasters might get made. I'm obsessing on the quilt though, so we'll see what I get done.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Craft shows, more crafts, and the bassinet
This weekend at Crafty Feast was a great success! The weather was a little fickle (well, really fickle at times) but I was able to hang out with my best friends all day and sell a lot of stuff. There were some great vendors like the Owlette Collective, Sara Lee Parker, and Sixteen Acre Woods along with some Crown Town members such as Verabelle, Jessica's Jacket, and Not Made in China. There were some well deserved beers at the end of it all too. Not for me though.
I was able to clean up the craft room a bit, a task well over due, and of course, start a new project. Exactly what I need, right? Oh, well. I can't just sit there you know. I have some things for Frank's room that I've been itching to make and now is as good a time a any. The first thing I've started on is a quilt that will go on the wall.
It's a zig zag quilt and it's a style that I've been wanting to make for a while. It's mostly solids like most of the quilts I like to do, but it has some polka dot fabric in there as well. It's mostly navy with pops of primary colors, much like his room. This way, everything and anything will at least match the quilt. I started piecing it a few weeks ago and revisited it last night. I think I may get it done this weekend.
One other reason that I had a need to clean was to make some more room for a napping place which is the Orr bassinet. It's a bassinet that Mike and his brother used, his cousins, and his cousins children used until now. I have it in the corner for now and yeah, that's right, I'm putting baby in the corner, nestled by my notions. I'm sure this will all change soon enough. I realize that I may be able to pass a soda can through the slats, but we'll deal with it.
I was able to clean up the craft room a bit, a task well over due, and of course, start a new project. Exactly what I need, right? Oh, well. I can't just sit there you know. I have some things for Frank's room that I've been itching to make and now is as good a time a any. The first thing I've started on is a quilt that will go on the wall.
It's a zig zag quilt and it's a style that I've been wanting to make for a while. It's mostly solids like most of the quilts I like to do, but it has some polka dot fabric in there as well. It's mostly navy with pops of primary colors, much like his room. This way, everything and anything will at least match the quilt. I started piecing it a few weeks ago and revisited it last night. I think I may get it done this weekend.
One other reason that I had a need to clean was to make some more room for a napping place which is the Orr bassinet. It's a bassinet that Mike and his brother used, his cousins, and his cousins children used until now. I have it in the corner for now and yeah, that's right, I'm putting baby in the corner, nestled by my notions. I'm sure this will all change soon enough. I realize that I may be able to pass a soda can through the slats, but we'll deal with it.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Matter of indecision, or decision. I can't decide
I've been sewing away since All Arts Market in the beginning of March trying to get a ton of inventory done for Crafty Feast this weekend. I've been planning on going for the past 3 months. It's also my last big shebang before the kid gets here and I'm out of commission for a while. I saw that it might rain earlier in the week, but blew it off since it was Monday when I got the news. They were still calling for it yesterday and I got a couple of emails from the promoter about what was going on.
I waivered back and forth for a while and made some phone calls to find out other opinions and decided last night not to go. Today is another day and I've changed my mind once again. It's on like donkey kong. I'll probably get soaked, but I'll be with my besties and we'll enjoy the day the best we can. It may be a while before I have the opportunity to hang out with them like this again!
I waivered back and forth for a while and made some phone calls to find out other opinions and decided last night not to go. Today is another day and I've changed my mind once again. It's on like donkey kong. I'll probably get soaked, but I'll be with my besties and we'll enjoy the day the best we can. It may be a while before I have the opportunity to hang out with them like this again!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Having a full dance card
I'm not used to having a full dance card. It's not that I sit on the couch and eat bon bons all day, I just usually don't have my calendar so full. I'm also prepping for a show in Columbia next week and have been for the past two weeks. I'm a lot slower at making things now since my body needs a rest after work and wants me in bed by 10pm. That typically leaves me about 2 hours of sewing for the night. I just made a list of what needs to be done and I think I may need to skip a nap or two. I'm of the mind set at this point to just do what I can and let the rest be. I think this is good training for the immediate future.
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